1、 主演的电影《同行:戏剧治疗之路》来自哪个地区?
答:纪录片电影《同行:戏剧治疗之路》是著名演员 代表作,《同行:戏剧治疗之路》免费完整版2021年在美国隆重上映,希望你能喜欢同行:戏剧治疗之路电影,同行:戏剧治疗之路剧情:六名童年时被天主教神职人员性侵的男子走到一起,开展一个受戏剧治疗启发的实验。他们根据记忆、梦境和经历创造了虚构的场景,意在探索教会的仪式、文化和等级制度,以及这些因素如何导致他们在被虐待时无人吱声
Dear Joe,
This is the hardest thing to do, why is this so hard. I mean you are me, or rather, you were me, so why does this feel impossible. There are things you need to know, light to shine into the darkness, truths to replace those lies. I know what has happened, and what is about to happen to you, and in this regard, you actually know more than me. There are still things I don’t know that you do, memories I have not yet remembered, and yet still weigh upon my mind. You’ll lock away these memories in the days to come, you’ll be trapped, pushed back and silenced, but you do it as the only way you see to survive. It’s taken me nearly 40 years to understand, although time continues to march forward, I continue to be anchored in the past, by you, to you and with you.
And as you repressed the memories of what happened to us, I trapped you, along with those terrible times, deep in the dark places in my mind. How awful it is to be locked inside, to be both the prisoner and jailer, how awful it is to not just be silenced in the present, but also to be the originator of that silence in the past.
It’s an incredible sacrifice you’re about to make, but you need to know that it was the right thing to do. And that, with time, you’re finally free. And as you recover, you even find your voice. Your sacrifice has saved me.
You are the fire that burns within, no longer with hatred and self-disgust, but with the need to share with others, and help lead guys like you to a better place. It was you that chose to keep living each day, it was you that chose to get out of bed. In short, you chose to live and to love, and in return, you chose to be loved.
Remember your superman sheets and curtains? Superman was your hero, he was not human, how many times did you feel like you were not human? You wanted so badly to be him, to be anyone other than you. You wanted to fight for truth and justice, he was your epic hero. Well, that’s exactly what you have become. You entered the battle of your life, and have gone on to use those tears, fears and pain, to reach out to and better understand other boys in pain, who struggle through their own epic battles, you became an advocate for youth, and fight, in a very real way for truth and justice.
I hope the strength you showed is rewarded with peace and contentment. Make no mistake, you’re the epic hero in the story of us.
不停揭开伤疤,为了见证它愈合到何种程度,或是溃烂—n—n“什么?永远?在不停歇的我与幸福之间?”n克里特说:n真的发生了这种事?n但这对于我来说并不是真实的。n我只是在演戏。n——n后来:我希望这能帮到你们。n——你们…n我们?nLet's get out of here.n.n>>奔着名字而来,以为记录揭示影视作品的影响魅力。n从日本喜多川到美国童子军,有预想的作品内容看来更多是“果然会发生如此悲剧啊”的感觉。n很抱歉误入神职性侵,跟着当事人一起回顾几十年前的事发现场着实无奈。父母、宗教环境、道德准则、性格起伏、认知缺失…每一环,都将这些无知的孩子推向了深渊。n“从受害者向幸存者转变。”跨域这一步,他们已经走了四十多年的路。n完全无法想象,从“幸存者”到“开拓者”又需要多少人叠加起来?n或许认知并没有好坏,问题在于,我们能不能尽量减少偏驳,更理智,更警醒。