1、马克·杜普拉斯,Patrick,Brice 主演的电影《林中怪人》来自哪个地区?
答:恐怖片电影《林中怪人》是著名演员马克· 代表作,《林中怪人》免费完整版2014年在美国隆重上映,希望你能喜欢林中怪人电影,林中怪人剧情:Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad “$1,000 for the day. Filming service. Discretion is appreciated.” Low on cash and full of naiveté, he decides to go for it. He drives to a cabin in a remote mountain town, where he meets Josef, his cinematic subject for the day. Josef is sincere and the project seems heartfelt, so Aaron begins to film. But as the day goes on, it becomes clear that Josef is not who he says, and his intentions are not at all pure.
He's weird. I don't wanna be alone with him* Super creepy now Cus it's just weird. How he's acting for his future kid? Why did he have to be naked?And candles? Lol A bath with a baby has candles? And the weird wolf mask. He's cringey (embarrassing to watch) and weird lolYes real. Shot on a home camera. I read the movie has almost 0 budget. And most of the scenes are improvised. Means no script they just act and see how it goes. The movie probably cost him like £2000 or something To rent some place to film, buy some items and set up the sets (rooms)
7.5分,本片充满了大量jump scare,许多恐怖片影迷对于一惊一乍是比较反感的,因为这种操作非常没有技术含量,只是靠突然放大的音量以及突然闪过的画面惊吓观众。大部分恐怖片影迷更重视电影氛围上的塑造来达到一种心理上的恐惧。
但可惜的是,氛围塑造是很困难的,能塑造好的佼佼者寥寥无几。即使有,也很难被慧眼识珠,难以被影迷赏识,例如豆瓣6.4分的《它在身后》《阴影之下》等。一些一般的恐怖片看多了,你会发现,与其不痛不痒的氛围塑造,有时候不如直接来一些一惊一乍爽快。jump sacre对于恐怖片是有存在的必要的。
本片虽然大部分为jump scare,但我个人认为后期氛围塑造也是过关的。看到讨论区里有人说《探访惊魂》模仿了这部电影,其实这种精神病逗你玩的剧情模式应该老早就有了,是个老套路了。不过这部电影精神病人捉弄主角的方法个人认为比《探访惊魂》更自然。