




    1、艾米丽·万凯普,玛德琳·斯托,加布里埃尔·曼,乔舒华·鲍曼 主演的电影《复仇第一季》来自哪个地区?









       答:欧美剧电视剧《复仇第一季》是著名演员艾米丽 代表作,《复仇第一季》免费全集2011年在美国隆重上映,希望你能喜欢复仇第一季电视剧,复仇第一季剧情:风景秀丽的海滨小镇汉普顿,是一个为蔚蓝大海所包围的权贵聚集区。觥筹交错,纸醉金迷,莺歌燕语,上流社会的人们沉湎在看似永无止境的富足快乐氛围中,殊不知危险将近。美丽女孩艾米丽·索恩(艾米丽·范坎普 Emily Van Camp 饰)租下一幢靠海的房子,这里似乎充满了其儿时的记忆,只是记忆中多了几分伤感与痛苦。不久,艾米丽结识了帅气的丹尼尔(乔舒华·鲍曼 Joshua Bowman 饰),格雷森家族的公子,其母亲维多利亚(玛德琳·斯托 Madeleine Stowe 饰)即是家族内当之无愧的领导者,也是汉普顿众所瞩目的风云人物。艾米丽有条不紊地融入格雷森家族,展开了一段绵亘十七年之久的血腥复仇…… 本片根据大仲马的经典名作《基督山伯爵》改编。©豆


    • 艾米丽·万凯普
    • 玛德琳·斯托
    • 加布里埃尔·曼
    • 乔舒华·鲍曼



    • Jensen

          首先是Conrad在证据被偷时说这证据是我所收藏的和那些吸血鬼斗争的关键,没有这些证据我就会死。白发男被Conrad形容为“我们现在的most powerful adversy”,其雇佣者应该为幕后组织,资助恐怖组织进行反美恐怖活动的Ameri-con。而白发男之后提到过,Americon本想要将当年的航班坠毁栽赃给Grayson Global,应该是Conrad(或者说是Conrad角色的扮演人,Americond中的某个小角色、替死鬼)通过某种手段,掌握了Americon的把柄(证据),从而整件事在1993年被栽赃到David Clark身上,Conrad也得以以Conrad的身份继续当亿万富翁很多年。
           白发男是组织中人士,本季中揭出的大幕后——E的妈妈,当然也是该组织中人(白发男熟识她,并且说Ems和她妈妈一样是Fighter)。白发男明知道Ems的真实身份而不告诉Conrad,可以解释为白发男和Conrad只是利益关系,没有必要管Conrad会不会被妹子杀死。不过既然他知道Ems的身份,陷害栽赃是谁做的自然也了然于胸,他放弃洗清栽赃的机会不告诉Conrad真相,原因大体是他不能告诉/不愿告诉。猜想原因是Ems的妈妈现在仍在组织并且比白发男地位高;或者放任Ems的行为会给他或者组织带来利益,也就是说也许Ems的复仇行动本身就是Americon计划的一部分(只是我觉得Americon借Ems的手除掉Conrad实在够绕的了……)。 只是猜想~~
            白发男和Conrad对话时,有三点值得注意,首先他显然知道Ems在监视,于是他故意对Ems的摄像头说:我想要盯着你的话,隐藏的方式多了去(还眨眼示意了下)。这应该是说:Ems你盯着我我知道,而我能用你不知道的方法知道你在干啥~~~第二点,对Conrad说,Being Conrad Grayson会让你如坐针毡,前面分析过,也许Conrad只是Conrad扮演者而已,其名下的公司只是Americon的掩体的一部分~~第三点,I am on my way to the airport~白发男说这话时,Ems和Conrad都知道了他会对飞机下手,制造空难~~Conrad知道从之后对于Lydia的再三阻挠和遭到Lydia的拒绝后说“Goodbye, Lydia”(Kiss)以及告诉Victoria说登上飞机将会是你最后一件事可以得知~~~而同样知道此事的Ems,竟然没有采取任何行动,也没有任何怀疑,难道这合理么?显然不合理,所以Victoria应该最终没有随着飞机爆炸挂掉,这也呼应了Ems和Nolan最后对话时,Ems只是提到了飞机上的证据木有了,半毛钱V和L都没提~起初觉得Ems的确对这俩人没啥必要怜悯,但这两个人最终决定作证至少是为David翻案的筹码,Ems没提的原因应该是她提前做出了安排~~至于是否来得及做安排,我时空观比较错乱,分析不大清楚了(前一天晚上到第二天八点十五分前,应该能搞定吧)~
           Emily和Nolan开香槟庆祝的时候,Ems以为自己的复仇之路结束了,这时她所佩戴的耳环,图案是当年与David刻在Beach house的永恒双圈~~~
           Ems给Jack打电话说这是个Crazy day时,Jack说Things is going crazy with me, too~这个时候太妹Amanda应该已然回归了~~~

    • Jensen

      无责任翻译 原文见:



      -s1e22的最后确认死亡的人只有一位 是关键角色

      -s2仍会像第一季一样以flash forward开头 就是小倒叙


      -饰演emily母亲的演员尚未确定(编剧玩笑说要找Meryl Streep) 该角色有很多心理问题 但跟emily一样是个本质上非常善良的人

      -下一季中daniel会变得越来越腹黑 ashley会在过程中扮演重要角色



    • Jensen




      女一,Emily VanCamp,由小阿曼达变成了艾米丽,此姝演技不错,洛丽面孔御姐气场,173的高挑个子,有张饱满鲜嫩的苹果脸,眉眼生动,尤其是浓眉下的大眼,看着时一脸笑,转瞬就阴了。对于害过她父亲的人,一个都不手软。




      3搞投资的叔叔,一集已经玩完,高科技股看来都到咱中国了,智能手机大势所趋,总之就是放个错消息,加上一句“我和那谁很熟,姐姐钱多不怕冒险,砸”,还有给你看看真人秀很友好的,这叔叔就上当了。水果硬糖有没有,你以为洛丽都是吃素的么。啊,现在更新消息都用PAD了,借问是苹果家的还是深圳山寨的WO PAD,看着好欢乐,高科技人才真可爱。


      诺兰比较象英国人,长脸瘦身材,一管瘦长鼻子,哥原来是模特出身185左右的身高优势,所以就算穿得有点怪,无损其形象,且有种顾影自怜的味道。当初只有阿曼达的父亲给他投资,所以现在是回报了。当然,我觉得他有点喜欢阿曼达,不然不会找杰克买下那艘同名的船,还把海边的大宅买下转赠给小姑娘,轻描淡写说句“权作生日礼物,或者咱小俱乐部那啥”。18岁出狱的怪少女碰上个怪叔叔,他不仅让她入股自己的公司(持有数目没记错是49% ),且热心地一再掺和进来。明明运动神经不发达还要学着开游艇,你说没有一份隐隐的真爱,不信。看丹尼尔和杰克就知道,姑娘们对运动健将就是爱,玩游艇打马球,小露肌肉汗流浃背果然是有用的。



      虽不是富二代,但能开个小酒馆,还有一艘游艇,其实他们家还不错,并非弟弟口中LOSER,要这样大部分人民都LOSER,只不过富人区实在是滋长不良风气之地,大家貌似低调炫富,虽不直接砸宝马,但也经常要装B。所以杰克哥哥好似一股清新的风吹进这个糜烂的圈子,有点像宽脸 强尼戴普。格子衫牛仔裤牵条狗,永不贱兮兮搭讪,都是寒暄一下就再见了,友好真诚。杰克在女主角心里有着无可替代之位,是纯真的初恋,所以他不舍得卖掉那艘以女主命名的船,相信她会回来。男女主角小时候就很漂亮,长大了除了身高,其他也极匹配。只怕多角恋会在以后复仇进程中起到一定作用,也许杰克会被诺兰或丹尼尔抓住暴打或别的。




    • Jensen

        1、 “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius
        2、 When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind, neat little morality slogans, like, “Do unto others” and “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
        3、But two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places:Absolute forgiveness…or mortal vindication. This is not a story about forgiveness.
        4、They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes it’s as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died in innocent man.
        5、When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.
        1、 And mistakes are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.
        2、 Ems:That our past defines who we are. 我们的过去造就了我们的现在。
        Vic:I would say our choices are what define us. 我会说我们的选择造就了我们的现在。
        Ems:May be for the lucky. 对于幸运的人来说也许如此。
        3、 Trust is a difficult thing, whether it’s finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting our heart is the riskiest thing of all. In the end, the only person we can truly trust is ourselves.
         1、 For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.
        1、 The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our mind. Are we true to ourselves? Or do we live for the expectations of others? And if we are open and honest, can we ever truly be loved? Can we find the courage to release our deepest secrets? Or in the end, are we all unknowable even to ourselves?
        1、 In revenge, as in life, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In the end, the guilty always fall.
        2、 Never underestimate the power of guilt; it compels people to some pretty remarkable places.
        3、Appearances can be deceiving ,can't they ? And you've practically made it an art form .Ever time i smile at you across a room or we run into each other at the luncheon, or i o welcome you into my home. Let that smile be a reminder of just how much i despise you . And that every time i hug you , the warmth you feel ,is my hatred burning through .
        4、 Guilt is a powerful affliction. You can try to turn your back on it, but that’s when it sneaks up behind you and eats your life. Some people struggle to understand their own guilt, unwilling or unable to justify the part they play in it. Others run away from their guilt, until there’s no conscience left at all. But I run toward my guilt. I feed off of it. I need it. For me, guilt is one of the few lanterns that still light my way.
        1、 They say vengeance taken will tear the heart and torment the conscience. If there’s any truth to it, then I now know with certainly that the path I’m on is the right way.
        2、 Like life, revenge can be a messy business. And both would be much simpler if only our heads could figure out which way our hearts will go. But the heart has its reasons, or which reasons can not know.
        1、 As Hamlet said to Ophelia, “God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.” The battle between these two halves of identity who we are and who we pretend to be, is unwinnable.
        2、 Never underestimate your enemy and never let your guard down.
        3、 Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. One that we reveal to the world and another we keep hidden inside. A duality governed by the balance of light and darkness.
        4、 Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold the true power.
        1、 There’s an old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.
        2、 The past is a tricky thing. Sometimes it’s etched in stone. And other times, it’s rendered in soft memories. But if you meddle too long in deep, a dark thing, who knows what masters you’ll awaken?
        1、 It’s been written that a lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself as is the object of his love from him. For my father, the secrets withheld by the woman he loved proved powerful enough to destroy him. I’m just now to beginning to understand the enormity of that burden.
        2、 Inside the viper’s nest, you must be viper, too.
        3、 We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world…Friendship we pretend, relationships we hide. But worst of all is that love we never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.
        每个人都有不愿为外人所知的秘密:虚情假意的友情、密不可宣的关系…… 但最糟糕的是我们深埋心中的爱意。这些隐瞒于心的秘密才是最危险的。
        1、 How does it feel now that your targets are no longer more ideas, but flesh and bones?
        2、 The task in front of you requires absolute focus. If you let your emotions guide you, you will fail.
         3、 Mt father wrote,” Always question where your loyalties lie. The people you trust will expect it, your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will, without fail, abuse it.”
        5、 Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while there maybe, there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build, and only seconds to destroy.
        1、 Defense lawyers use the term” Duress” to describe the use of force, coercion, or psychological pressure exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable, the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable.
        2、 Duress impacts relationships in one of two ways. It either tears people apart, or strengthens their connection, binding them tightly in a common objective.
        1、 For the average person, leading an ordinary life, fame hold an hypnotic attraction. Many would sooner perish than exist in anonymity. But for the unlucky few who’ve had notoriety forced upon them, infamy can be a sentence more damning than any prison term.
        2、 Sometimes bad things happen to good people. 有时候好人却得不到好报。
        3、 People are fond of saying that you can’t unring a bell. But some words ring out likes church bells, rising above the din, calling us to the truth.
        4、 Some words are immortal. Long-buried or even burned, they’re destined to be reborn, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. And when they do, it can literally take you breath away.
        1、 Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices. But it isn’t really our choices that distinguish who we are. It’s our commitment to them.
        2、 For someone, commitment is like faith, a chosen devotion to another person or an intangible ideal. But for me, commitment has a shadow side, a darker drive that constantly asks the question how far am I willing to go.
        1、 If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is...infinite.
        2、But in reality, our perception is often clouded by exceptions, by experiences. As of late, I find my perception is blinded by only one thing…revenge.
        3、Truth is a battle if perceptions, people only see what they're prepared to confront. It not what you look that matters, but what you see. And when different perceptions battle against one another...the truth has a way of getting lost...And the monsters ...find a way of getting out.
        1、 There comes a moment in each of our lives when the control that keeps us sane slips through our fingers. Most of us aim to seize it back. The best way to fight chaos is which chaos.
        2、 Once introduced, all order and intention is rendered useless . The outcome of chaos can never be predicted. The only certainty it brings...is the devastation it leaves in its wake.
        1、My father’s false imprisonment taught me that in a crisis you quickly find out who your real friends are. Tragedy and scandal, it seems have a unique way of clarifying people’s priorities.
        2、No matter how much we try to escape our past, we seem destined to repeat it.
        3、Loyalties forged in apprehension and mistrust are tenuous at best... Easily broken when held up to the unforgiving light of the truth. But in the darkness of our most desperate hours,it often these loyalties that lend us the strength to do what we know must be done.
        4、I believe it’s called the domino effect. You know, one move begets another, and then before you know it, they all fall down.
        5、Adversity creates unexpected alliances. But treaties of this nature seldom from with an equality of power. Loyalties forgot in apprehension and mistrust are tenuous at best. Easily broken when held up to the unforgiving light of the truth. But in the darkness of our most desperate hours, it’s often these loyalties that lend us the strength to do what we know must be done.
        6、A conflicted heart feeds on doubt and confusion. It will make you question your path ...your tactics...your motives. When you stare ahead and darkness is all you see. Only reason and determination can pull you back from the abyss.
        1、Doubt has the ability to call into question everything you've ever believed about someone...and renforce the darkest suspicions of our inner circles.
        2、In society, women are referred to as " the fairer sex"... But in the wild, the female species can be far more ferocious than their male counterparts. Defending the nest is both oldest and strongest instinct. And sometimes it can also be the most gratifying.
        1、 Clarence Darrow, one of history's greatest lawyers once noted...“ there is no such thing as justice in out of court." perhaps because justice is a flawed concept. That ultimately comes down to the decision of 12 people. People with their own experiences ,prejudices ,feelings about what defines right and wrong. Which is why ,when the system fails us, we must go out and seek our own justice.
        2、Justice,like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Some see an innocent victim, others see evil incarnate getting exactly what's deserved.
        1、Absolution is the most powerful form of the forgiveness...A full pardon form suspicion and accountability. It's the liberation of a stolen future. Absolution is a mercy that people who killed him will never know.
        2、Absolution is the washing away of sin...the promise of rebirth...and the chance to escape the transgressions of those who came before us. The best among us will learn form the mistakes of the past, while the rest seem doomed to repeat them. And then there those who operate on the fringes of society...unburdened by the confines or morality and conscience...
        3、A ruthless breed of monsters whose deadliest weapon is their ability to hide in pain sight. If the people I've come to bring justice to cannot bound by the quest for absolution ... Then neither will I .
        1、They say grief occurs in five stages. First, there's denial...Followed by anger. Then comes bargaining... And depression.
        2、For most, the final stage of grief,is acceptance.But for me...Grief is a life sentence without clemency. I will never accept and I will never forgive,not even after the man who killed my father lies dead at my feet.
        对于多数人 悲伤的尽头,是接受现实。但是对我而言,悲伤是冰冷无情的无期徒刑,我永远不会接受现实 永远不会施以宽恕。即使杀害了我父亲的男人横尸于我脚下 我也绝不心软。
        1、In every life, there comes a day of reckoning,a time when unsettled scores demand their retribution...And our own lies and transgressions are finally laid bare.


    • Jensen

       1. For the truly wronged ,real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places: absolute forgiveness or mortal vindication.

      2. One by one, the guilty will pay.
      nothing never goes exactly as you expect and a mistake are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.

      3.Our past defines who we are.

      4.Trust is difficult thing, whether it's finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting your heart is the riskiest thing of all. In the end the only person we can truly trust , is ourself.

      5.The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our mind, by preying on the doubts and uncertainties that already lurk there. Are we ture to ourselfs or do we live for the expecting of others? And if we are open and honest,can we ever truly be loved? Can we find the courage to release our deepest secrets? or in the end, are we unknowable even to ourselves?

      6.In revenge, as in life, every action has equal and opposite reaction. In the end , the guilty always fail.

      7.never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty remarkable place .

      8.Appearances can be deceiving ,can't they ? And you've practically made it an art form .Ever time i smile at you across a room or we run into each other at the luncheon, or i o welcome you into my home. Let that smile be a reminder of just how much i despise you . And that every time i hug you , the warmth you feel ,is my hatred burning through .

      9.guilt is a powerful affliction, you can try to turn your back on it, but that's when it sneaks up behind you and eats you alive. But i run toward my guilt ,i feed off it . I need it . For me , guilt is one of the few lanterns that still light my way.


      10.As hamlet said to Ophelia, "god has given you one face, and you make yourself another ." The battle between these two halves of identity,who we are and we pretend to be , is unwinnable .


      11.Just as there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every person. One that we reveal to the world, and another we keep hidden inside. A duality governed by the balance of light and darkness. Within each of us is the capacity for both good and evil. But those who are able to blur the moral dividing line hold true power.

      12.There's a old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.

      13.The past is tricky thing, sometimes it's etched in stone, and other times, it's rendered in soft memories .But if you meddle too long in deep,dark thing······who knows what monsters you'll awaken?
      过去是对命运的捉弄, 有时它铭刻在磐石之上,有时它又回旋于虚幻的记忆中。但如果你许久深陷在黑暗的过去,你无法预期会惊醒怎样的猛兽。

      14.it's been between written that a lover is apt, to be as full of secrets from himself, as is the object of his love from him.

      15.Revenge is a stony path,remember ,inside the viper's nest, you must be a viper ,too.

      16.We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world. Friendship we pretend······relationship we hide ,but worst of all······is that love never let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep from ourselves.

      17.always questions where your loyalties lie. The people trust will expect it ,your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will.without fail, abuse it

      18.Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while that may be ,there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build,and only seconds to destroy.


       Defense lawyers use the turm "duress" to describe the use of force coercion ,or psychological pressure. Exerted on a client in the commission of a crime. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable, the result can be as violent as it is unpredictable.

       Duress impacts relationship in one of two ways. It either people apart or strengthens their connection. Binding them tightly in a common objective.

      For the innocent ,the past may hold a reward.But for the treacherous , it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve.


        For the average person leading an ordinary life, fame holds an hypnotic attraction . Many would sooner perish than exist in anonymity. But for the unlucky few, who've had notoriety forced upon them, infamy can be a sentence more damning than any prison term

       People are fond of saying that you can't unring a bell, and while that may be true ......you can certainly smother its ring under the dull roar of conjecture and lies. But some words ring out like church bells, rising above the din,calling us to the truth.

        Some words are immortal,long-buried or even burned,they're destined to be reborn,like a phoenix rising from the ashes. And when they do...it can literally take your breath away.

       .Some say that our lives are defined by the sum of our choices.But it isn't really our choices that distinguish who we are.It is our commitment to them.
