1、Fred,A.,Leuchter,,Jr. 主演的电影《死亡先生》来自哪个地区?
爱奇艺网友:电影《死亡先生》来自于英国 / 美国地区。
本片于1999年在英国 / 美国上映,《死亡先生》上映后赢得众多观众的喜爱,网友总评分高达66分,《死亡先生》具体上映细节以及票房可以去百度百科查一查。
答:纪录片电影《死亡先生》是著名演员Fre 代表作,《死亡先生》免费完整版1999年在英国 / 美国隆重上映,希望你能喜欢死亡先生电影,死亡先生剧情:在他的作品中,纪录片导演埃罗尔找到了他的兴趣,他已经成功用自己激情传递给他们,满足大家的好奇心!
A poignant and subtle analysis of how, psychologically, anyone can be "inspired" to take such an untenanble position as Holocaust denial. The fact that Leuchter is also a famed engineer for the design of eletric chair and other execution devices, is almost uncanny.
The director is wise enough to let Leuchter talk, and talk, and talk. If you are turned off by this unpromising prospect, let me assure you that this drab harmless-looking, and manifestly miserable little man is, believe it or not, simply mesmerizing. Initial repugnance quickly turns into an odd fascination, as one does with an exotic insect. And that fascination would be unexpectedly rewarding. The last time I learn so much about the darker recesses of human soul was 4 years ago, when I first read Hanah Arendt.