1、芭芭拉·史翠珊,伊夫·蒙当,鲍勃·纽哈特,拉里·布莱登,西蒙·奥克兰,杰克·尼科尔森,约翰·理查森,帕梅拉·布朗,艾琳·汉铎 主演的电影《晴朗的日子里你能看见永远》来自哪个地区?
答:剧情片电影《晴朗的日子里你能看见永远》是著名演员芭芭拉 代表作,《晴朗的日子里你能看见永远》免费完整版1970年在美国隆重上映,希望你能喜欢晴朗的日子里你能看见永远电影,晴朗的日子里你能看见永远剧情:黛西(芭芭拉·史翠珊 Barbra Streisand 饰)是一个性格开朗活泼,人见人爱的姑娘,什么都好的她只有一个缺点,那就是烟瘾奇大无比黛西的未婚夫特纳给黛西在食品公司里找了一份工作,这是一个清闲自由收入又高的工作,可唯一的要求就是从业者不能吸烟,因此,黛西必须在最短的时间里把烟给戒了。 为了帮助黛西戒烟,特纳找到了心理医生查伯特(伊夫·蒙当 Yves Montand 饰),希望查伯特能够通过催眠的方式来帮助黛西戒除烟瘾。刚开始,查伯特是拒绝的,但当他发现黛西似乎有着某些异于常人的特异功能后,决定通过催眠来解开其中的奥秘。
Bookended by psychedelic opening/close credit sequences, ON A CLEAR DAY… is Minnelli’s penultimate feature, and rightfully captures the era’s fantastical ethos, based on Alan Jay Lerner’s own musical, it is basically a two-hander between a chain-smoking ingénue Daisy Gamble (Streisand) and a psychiatrist Prof. Marc Chabot (Montand), from whom the former seeks help to cure her nicotine addiction through hypnotherapy, which only opens a hornets’ nest laced with other parapsychological components like ESP and reincarnation.
Yes, Daisy is a clairvoyant, endowed with a magical green thumb and subconsciously remembers all her reincarnations (including future ones), and Chabot is increasingly fascinated by one of her previous incarnations as Lady Melinda Tentrees of the Regency era, who prospers a rags-to-riches ascendancy but eventually is betrayed by her husband and condemned for her “otherness”. Meantime, Daisy, who is kept from the acknowledgement of her preternatural condition, becomes smitten with an urbane Chabot, which threats the relationship with her bien-pensant fiancé Warren (Blyden). When the cat is let out of the bag, again, it is a persistently telepathic calling (when Montand crooning COMING BACK TO ME) that brings the pair together and squares up their respective disillusions, with Chabot perceiving a piece of tidings from the future to salve his compunction.
It is amusing to think that anyone is able to fall under the hypnotic spell of Montand’s English elocution with his thick French accent, and Minnelli’s cavalier direction of it doesn’t mitigate any skeptical glances, yet, Streisand is exceptionally versatile in her two roles, gussying and glamorizing herself up as she enchants us with those Burton Lane-penned melodies with such facility and emotion, they might sound a shade treacly, passé and over-sentimental, however, the timbre of her voice is supernal, and her unconventional beauty is emblazoned in such a florid fashion that can keep aesthetic fatigue at bay. Nonetheless, the underlined every-girl-fancies-herself-as-a-glamor-puss propensity feels antiquated.
A product of its own time, ON A CLEAR DAY… is unique in melding an above-board romance with the counterculture of parapsychology, but with a simper rather than a bang, too tame and cutesy for its own good (Jack Nicholson’s character is ruefully underutilized, he is supposed to be the right match for Daisy, right?), Minnelli’s picture tepidly sails through the less fathomed waters.
referential entries: Gene Kelly’s HELLO, DOLLY! (1969, 7.3/10); George Cukor’s MY FAIR LADY (1964, 7.8/10).
表演。史翠珊的歌技与歌唱的表现力是真好,演技与念白与形体在这里也是真糟(她甚至对不上口型!)。或许staff里多几名给力的编舞和舞蹈教练能抢救一下糟糕的表演。回头发现,音乐剧原作导演兼编舞是Herbert Ross,难怪结构上有种强烈的《Pennies from Heaven》(正好也是米高梅最后一部旧制歌舞片)既视感。于是更加痛心疾首——要是后者的导演是明奈利;要是前者的cast有后者的水准……也或许导演在为式微的歌舞片融入新好莱坞运动风尚的尝试中,对表演指导尚有些许迷茫。
剧情,略微拧巴的感情发展,朦胧的gay文本。常见的转生题材多是恋人相约相守生生世世(阻碍多来自客观),这里却很特别的将今生不足的缘份寄期于某次前生或来世(阻碍多来自主观)。电影版中的男主唱给女主的Come Back to Me唱段直接增加了一段"Come in pain or in joy, As a girl, as a boy"的唱词。后来的部分音乐剧复排版本干脆将女主改写成了gay主。很可能深柜的明奈利导演,这部难得深情的《on a clear day you can see forever》会有几分他的内心投射吗?