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三星半,故事中规中矩,但是有些细节挺打动我,然后那个两层小楼真的好喜欢,回头物色一下哪里有这样的房子nn梦工厂拍了好些挺不错的关于马的电影,从「战马」到「梦想家」到「奔腾年代」,这还是第一次看他们做马的动画片nn峡谷那一段让我想起自己很喜欢的一个讲野马的户外纪录片「Untamed」,名字都那么像,「Spirit Untamed」nn在悔恨岭上的那首歌也很适合飞滑翔伞的时候听:Listen to the wind roar, see the mighty eagle soar, feel the sun on your face, trust that you will find your way, and when the night is cold and dark, know that you have fire in your heart. Be strong. Be brave. Let courage lead the way. Stand tall. And know who you are. Wild heart, wild soul. Roam free to the unknown. And know that you have everything you need to be fearless.nn然后阿飙小姑娘最后那句感慨也很适合哈哈,"I love you ground, so solid, so supportive, so reassuring"nn火车停站后,背景还有些中文"好久不见,很高兴见到你啊"