正在播放:实习医生格蕾第八季 - 第23集






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《实习医生格蕾第八季》剧情:The fifth-year residents return for the first day of a year that will make or break their careers: Meredith faces the consequences of tampering with Derek's clinical trial and is terminated at the hospital; April tries to step up to the plate as Chief Resident in the wake of a giant sinkhole in the middle of Seattle; and Cristina and Owen are still at odds over their drasticall..



  • Jensen

    看美剧一般不会动不动让人飙泪 格蕾是例外

    第一次大概是Meredith自己掉河里去了 Derek跳下去去救她
    在急救室外 他一直边哭边在责怪自己
    当时他和Addison还没有正式离婚 因为这个事件Addison知道自己没可能了 于是选择了离开

    之前一直不觉得他是个有多讨喜的角色 有点笨笨的 胆小 说话结巴
    但是谁也没有想到就是这样的一个人最后选择了去当兵 然后在去当兵的路上为救一个小女孩把自己的命搭进去
    他一遍又一遍地在Mere手心写下007 007 007...
    那一集的closing voiceover说 Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it, but every now and then, look around; Drink it in 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow.‘

    然后就到了这次 轮到了Lexie
    如果说Christina和Mere是dark twisted girls 作为Mere同父异母的妹妹Lexie绝对不是 父亲生病她尽力照顾求Mere捐肝救他 Mark不知哪里冒出来一个怀孕的女儿她也接受了还照顾她 离开了Mark她试过去爱Avery但是最终还是发现不行
    E22的最后 她终于跟Mark说出了她一直没有说出的话
    I love you. I do, I love you. And I have been trying not to say. I've been trying so hard just to mash it down, and ignore it, and not say it. And Jackson is a great guy. He is gorgeous, and he's younger than you, he doesn't have any grandkids or babies or lesbian BFs, and he's an Avery, and he liked me, you know, he really liked me. But it'll never work out, because I, I love, U. It was so in love with you. And you're in me. You're a disease. I am infected by Mark Sloan. I can't think about anything or anybody, and I can't sleep. I can't breathe. I can't eat. And I love you, I just be in love you all the time, every minute of every day. I LOVE U.
    还没等Mark反应过来 Julia就出现了...

    但是一切是值得的不是么 最后 当知道一切都是徒劳的时候 Mark握着Lexie的手说I love you...We gonna married. You gonna be an amazing surgeon. We gonna have two or three kids. We gonna be so happy. So you can't die, because we're supposed to end up together. We're meant to be.
    Meant to be她喃喃着 眼中的光渐渐褪去...

    每个好女孩都值得好好被珍惜被对待 但是这个世界太奇妙 好女孩经常会时不时碰到一些渣男 = = 每次我都会真诚地向各路神仙保佑 让这些渣男们生儿子没屁眼神马的 希望她们都能遇到能够珍惜她们的男人

    又及 520 愿那些爱我的及我爱的人 一切安好

  • Jensen

                S8E03 只言片语
                 当我们只是因为吃了一顿坏掉的春卷在卫生间呕吐过之后就那样躺在地上。我倚着浴缸,你枕在我腿上。我们说些无关紧要的笑话,什么都可以笑。twisted and weired,it looks so bad but feels so right。


  • Jensen









    可是,可是她说了一个每个人都会经历的事情——“And I just can't-- I can't think about anything or anybody. And I can't sleep, I can't breath, I can't eat, I love you. ”


    这一切来之突然,人生死两境,阴阳相隔。mark最后对lexie说了“i love you”
    但,但那不是最感人的话,也不是来自最深处的话,最深处的乃是“We are supposed to end up together,we are meant to be。”——我们本该白头到老,我们是天生一对的。

    那个在mark的“i love you”中,从鼻梁上落下最后一滴泪的lexie。她是幸福的。

  • Jensen


  • Jensen

    I love you. Oh god, oh my god. That just came fly-flying out of my face like it was-was some kind of... I-I-I love you. I just -- God, I did it again. I-I-I love you. I-I do. I just -- I-I love you. And I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying so hard to just mesh it done, ignore it and not to say it. And Jackon is a great guy. He-he is. He's-he's gorgeous and-and he's younger than you, and he doesn't have any grandkids or-or babies with his lesbian bffs. And he's an Avery and-and he liked me, you know? He-he really liked me, but it was never going to work out, because I-I love you. I'm so in love with you. And you're-you're-you're in me. It's you-you're it's-it's like you're a disease. It's like I'm infected by Mark Sloan. And I just can't-- I can't think about anything or anybody. And I can't sleep, I can't breath, I can't eat, I love you. I just love you all the time, it's-- every minute of every day. And I-I-I-I love you. God, that feels good just to-to say that. I'm-- I feel so much better. I was just-- I love you. Mark ?
