Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called prodigious beings in the occult tradition. David soon discovers that their goal is to channel the moon's energy into a child yet to be born, robbing him of his rightful place as the Son of the Moon. Two women, Victoria, a member of the center, and Georgina, the future mother of the supposed moonchild, will help David fulfill his destiny. After several attempts David manages to escape the center and undergoes a series of new experiences love, adventure, supernatural events and even death. David is relentlessly pursued, pushing him further towards his goal, towards Africa where his fate awaits him.
1、玛丽贝尔·马丁,丽莎·杰勒德,Enrique,Saldana,露西娅·波塞,David,Sust,玛丽·卡里略,昆特·迈斯纳,Heidi,Ben,Amar,Lydia,Azzopardi 主演的电影《月孩》来自哪个地区?
答:剧情片电影《月孩》是著名演员玛丽贝 代表作,《月孩》免费完整版1989年在西班牙隆重上映,希望你能喜欢月孩电影,月孩剧情:Since ancient times, a tribe on the African continent has been prophesying that a white boy will arrive to be their god the Son of the Moon. David, a 12-year-old orphan who lives in Europe, learns about the prophecy and believes that he is the chosen child and that destiny must be fulfilled at any cost. Before David can fulfill his prophecy he must escape the heavily guarded scientific organization that has adopted him. David's strange behavior and the fact that he possesses extrasensory perception, has attracted the attention of an organization researching so-called prodigious beings in the o
演员:Aran-Sina Keshvari 谢哈布·侯赛尼 Shabnam Ghorbani Kimiya Eskandari 维尔霍·伦科宁 劳拉·布林 克里斯蒂娜·哈科拉 埃罗·梅拉斯涅米 Muhammed Cang?ren Lumi Barrois Henry Hanikka Fatima Usman Helen Kesete Niilo Airas Daniel Safi Anniina M?kel? Tinka Kyr?nsepp? Jyrki Nousiainen Pezhman Escandari
起点就是终点。《月孩》有两个悬念,一个是孤儿大卫究竟有没有特异功能,一个是关于月孩的预言究竟是什么意思。前一个悬念抓住我们的情绪,后一个悬念启蒙我们的精神。nn怎么看待万物有灵?记得有一年毕业的暑假,我手绘了一张八卦图,十分虔诚地用透明胶粘得水土不进。当夜晚它对着月光,仿佛就拥有了神奇的力量,用它就可以实现所有的可能性。至于接着发明了怎样的咒语,现在大约已经忘却,许多寂寞的思缕当时仿佛抓住了希望,因此相信精神似乎是无所不能的。大卫的眼神中透着我熟悉的力量。nn在乡村孤儿院,作为月亮之子,大卫只要与众不同,只要拥有特异功能就能自己确认自己的身份。从感情如祖母的老妇承袭聆听了一个异己的世界。为什么不寻求别样的梦?大卫第一眼看见维多利亚就喊出了预言: 你将收养我,做我的母亲。nn可大卫的母亲明明是月亮。维多利亚领大卫到了一个更远更大更新的地方。每个人都有明确的组织身份,在高度组织化现代社会中,与同龄人相比,特异功能已经变得不在特殊。没有了月亮的光环,大卫必定在嫉妒中升腾出对人母的疑问。作为人,我从哪里来,谁是我的母亲?nn正是因为好奇与独立思考,大卫无意中发现了新世界的秘密,成年人都成了组织的试验品,他们限制中活着只是为了生产月孩。被选中的母亲正是乔治娜,她即将成为月孩的母亲,可她除了贪酒似乎什么都不知道,她并不知道自我意识。为了寻求再一次对自己的肯定,大卫相信了一个假设,假设自己就是月孩,假设乔治娜就是月孩之母,只要孩子正常出世,假设就能得到科学的验证,一切神秘和秘密都将得到全新的阐释。nn朋友说大卫在这条路上好像经历了九九八十一难,好似西天取经。这个直觉当然有道理,在这求真的路上,有各种机缘巧合,可谓神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛,老祖母死了,月孩的祖父死了,月孩的父亲死了,月孩之母乔治娜也死了。这一路的精神弑杀,似乎就是月孩诞生本身。nn影片并没有结尾在月孩生理出生的一刻,而是结束在这样一幅图景。趟过一条河,部落的人们正在用隆重的仪式期待着新神坠入人间,月光底下,天空中将绽放流火,一个白人男孩将重新出现。可是当预言实现之时,终点似乎又变成了起点,流火并不神秘,正是大卫的养母驾驶的飞机选择了坠落,她选择了舍身取义。从天上到人间,导演比利亚龙加似乎在追问,在这个不同肤色的大地上,人的价值和伦理究竟是什么?nn看时,想起的是罗大佑的《亚细亚的孤儿》;此时,回响的又像是beyond的《光辉岁月》。