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《道林·格雷的画像》剧情:道林格雷(彼得·弗斯 Peter Firth 饰)是一个出生非常卑微的穷小子,在一次机缘巧合之下结识了著名画家巴兹尔(约翰·吉尔古德 John Gielgud 饰)和绅士亨利,在两人的引荐之下,道林格雷接触到了巴黎上流社交圈的奢靡生活,就此无法自拔巴兹尔为道林格雷画了一副肖像画,将他美丽的身体描摹得栩栩如生,这幅画已经流入市场就引发了圈内各路人士的热烈讨论与赞美,道林格雷也就此成为了圈中名人。  之后,道林格雷邂逅了名为塞西莉亚的女子,塞西莉亚是一位美丽的剧场演员,没过多久,两人就坠入了情网之中,决定邂逅步入婚姻的殿堂。当亨利得知道林格雷即将结婚的消息大为震惊,他用花言巧语诱骗道林格雷抛弃塞西莉亚,最终导致了他们两人感情的破裂。



  • Jensen

    Have nothing to do with ability,have nothing to do with courage ,but it is a choice.

    I think deeply that everyone of us have a private cockloft of our own,and we put all our secret in it.Rather saying it is a painting,it is better to definite it a goat .It contains our self complex,our pride and even prejudice,and the undying lust.

    For every times,we put on the best appearance and show it to the public,but no one knows if there is helminth in our heart,expect ourselves.

    Dorian's award impaled on the painting ,he bid farewell to his past,also bid farewell to all the ridiculous things.

    Looking forward to the sun and backward to the cold. It isn't a kind of ability,it isn't a kind of courage,only a choice.

    Make a right choice and pray for ourselves,believe the future will be bright.

  • Jensen

    I would have never imagined the determination in his violent action and the indifferent tone in some of the lines, while the petulant manner is, if not overdone, indeed vividly displayed.The hearing of the fluent flow of words certainly brings more satisfaction to Wilde's ingenuity than reading them. Poor Basil and cunning Henry look dreadfully much older than they should be at the beginning and there is no trace of an artist in Basil's airs at all.

    Sigh... Australia is once again used in novels as a perfect and weightless excuse for being away. Having had read the shortened version of the book I was literally startled by the part of Sibyl's brother, and thereby allow me to whine that it is equally a crime offering readers the scissored version of a book of such.

  • Jensen

    道林·格雷的画像 The Picture Of Dorian Gray 道林·格... subhd.tv






  • Jensen

    Dorian还原度挺高,Sibyl 一出场小鹿斑比般甜美狡黠还原度也很高。Dorian从原本单纯浪漫转变到残忍堕落,但这个变化由画像代替而非Dorian的外貌来体现。然而经历已经使Dorian的眼神和心理状态改变了,又要保持纯洁优美的外表又要体现些微的变化对演员本就是巨大的挑战,我认为这个演员的表演符合我心中Dorian的变化。


  • Jensen

    虽然看的是生肉但是因为感觉就像对原著进行缩句练习一样所以就算听不懂也完全找得到(这也是服气的(-.-) )槽点在于你不给观众看当中那幅画像变成了啥样,你真的指望所有人都知道这是什么故事么…以及舞台剧风格有点严重(特别是杀掉Basil那里,简直了好么)剧情简化的有点严重,比如说那个Alan好像之前就没有出现过似乎,好多情节也是一句话就带过了。

    摸不清楚Dorian前期是什么样的角色所以说不好演员演得咋样,不过后期感觉还蛮到位的;Basil 的演员台词功力甚佳(抑扬顿挫 情感丰沛不得不说);Lord Harry至少语气语调上面是满足了(对我就是声控…)但是其实他和Basil的年龄都不是很对…片子里这两个人都是四五十的大叔了while书里面两个人刚出场的时候都是偏偏美少年啊…;Sybil完全就是一个天真烂漫沉浸在爱情中的小妹妹,演的不错。其它人…出场时间实在太短了。
